Experience the Memorable

The newest social Media Platform. “Man is by nature a social animal”
- Aristotle -

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The “All in one” App

Stumble has one specific purpose: enhancing, to a maximum level, the festival going experience. Finding new friends, grouping with old ones, purchasing tickets, finding that friend that always gets lost “near the bar”, communicating seamlessly in a crowded place, booking your place around the festival, these are just  a few of the features that Stumble promises.

Tired of losing your friends?

Quickly and easily create, join, follow events

Augmented Reality

Finding a friend within festival areas can be a nightmare. Use our AR Camera Mode to easily track your friends.

Peer to Peer Messenger

Big crowds come with a huge overload for local networks. Wouldn’t it be great to have an app that allows you to communicate directly with someone without the need of a network?

Flash Dating

When on a festival site it is always a random guess who you will be meeting next. Find the best “partners” using Stumble.

Experience the memorable

“Like minded people”, Dating, Group Matching, Tickets, News Feed, Line-ups, Maps, Finding Friends on-site, Schedules, Artists Profiles, Managing Booked Festivals, Finding Travel and Accommodation and many more. We’ve constructed Stumble so that you can have the most amazing experience, without any hiccups, no matter the festival you’ll be going to.

Join us for the ultimate festival “swiss-knife”

Let us know your email and we’ll be keeping you in touch with the most exciting news about Stumble.

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